Taxonomy and TMclass

Lead Office


The project aims to expand TMclass by including data from the TM5 partners.

TMclass helps you to search for and classify Goods and Services (G&S) that you need to apply for trade mark protection. You can also find equivalent translations for G&S in 33 other languages and check whether the terms are included in the classification databases of other Participating Offices (PO). Each Office continues to own its terms and is responsible for the maintenance and updating of its database. This ensures that users can identify which terms are accepted by the Office that they deal with and, at the same time, it provides increased transparency and user-friendly access to the Offices’ classification databases.

The USPTO, EUIPO, JPO, KIPO and SAIC currently participate in TMclass. Alongside the TM5 partners, 40 other offices participate in TMclass, providing access to individual and shared classification databases.

The taxonomy tree-structure has been incorporated into TMclass, and the feasibility of adding this to the TM5 Search tool is underway as part of the TM5 ID project.

The taxonomy tree-structure is an extension of the Nice classification, retaining the original 45 classes and all the agreed principles. The purpose of the taxonomy tree-structure is to refine the classification that is already in use by making it easier to understand and to work with.

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