TM5 Fraudulent Solicitations – project accomplished

At the Annual Meeting 2023 the TM5 Partners considered that the objectives of the Fraudulent Solicitations project have been met and agreed that the project enters “accomplished” status. The project was launched in 2017 with the EUIPO and USPTO jointly leading in order to raise public awareness of fraudulent and misleading solicitations to trade mark office users. The TM5 website has now sample letters of actual third-party solicitations and information resources on how to identify and prevent misleading activities.

In 2023 the project scope was extended to discuss fraudulent activities/filing practices that hinder trade mark Office operations. The Partners valued these exchanges and awareness raising and drew lessons for their operations. Applicants, trade mark owners and representatives are reminded to carefully monitor IP office communications, especially those solicitating payment. We invite you to consult the fraudulent information resources on the TM5 website for further details.