Trademark Protection in Opposition and Appeal (Review) Procedure
This project plans to deepen users’ understanding of the practice of trademark opposition and appeal (review) in TM5 Partner offices and to provide information to the users on how to protect their legitimate rights and interests more effectively through comparing the legal system and practice of trademark opposition and appeal (review) in TM5 Partner offices and by typical cases.
Green TM5
This project builds on the recent WIPO study “Intellectual property offices and sustainable innovation” with the aim to exchange further among Partners on this subject to map out ongoing activities on environmental sustainability. The outcome report will focus on green sustainability initiatives of the TM5 offices.
Trademarks in Virtual Space
Background The rising interest in virtual spaces has spurred IP offices worldwide to establish guidelines for trademark applications concerning virtual goods/services. TM5, representing over 60% of global trademark applications, acknowledges the significance of addressing this trend. The project is timely, considering discussions at WIPO’s Nice Committee and existing guidelines in some offices. Project objectives The […]
User Involvement
The aim of the project is to establish a coherent and consistent user involvement in the TM5 forum, through the following meetings and working sessions:
TM5 Joint Communication Action
This project is designed to improve and potentially harmonize the TM5 partners’ methods of searching and retrieving non-traditional trademarks. Thus, this project aims to assist trademark right holders or others who search national trademark registries in multiple jurisdictions
Bad Faith Trademark
The issue of “bad-faith trademark filings” is a common problem in the world. “Bad faith filings” could refer, for example, to trademark filings by third parties to register the identical or similar trademarks of others in order to take advantage of the fact that the genuine trademark owners have not registered them.
IT Support for Trademark Examination
This project is aimed at driving future development of image search systems available for figurative trademark examinations.
Non-Traditional Trademarks
This project is designed to improve and potentially harmonize the TM5 partners’ methods of searching and retrieving non-traditional trademarks. Thus, this project aims to assist trademark right holders or others who search national trademark registries in multiple jurisdictions
TM5 Website
KIPO aims at developing and implementing a tool to share cooperation projects among the partner offices. The website will be regularly updated with information focusing on the purpose and function of the TM5. Concurrently, the website will disseminate information online to users and the general public.
ID List
The TM 5 “ID List Project” is designed to assist trademark right holders who seek trademark protection in multiple jurisdictions.
Common Statistical Indicators
The purpose of this project is to develop and implement a process to regularly exchange statistics on the main variables of interest to the TM5 partners, and to make this information available to the public.