TM5 Website

TM5 Website

Lead Office: KIPO

Description of project;
It has been over ten years since the Trademark Trilateral, the forerunner of the TM5, held its first meeting. During the period the TM5 has grown both externally and internally and, with China and Korea having joined, now includes the five biggest offices in the world for trademark applications. The TM5 has widened its scope of cooperation and is currently carrying out ten collaborative projects.
Despite the increase in cooperation, it has not promoted its activities online. Against this backdrop, KIPO decided to lead development of the website project, the first KIPO-initiated project within the TM5 framework.
In the TM5 website, two kinds of information are available. One is about TM5 collaboration projects and the other is various resources regarding TM5 respective offices, such as trademark laws, examination guidelines, and legal developments.

Project objectives;
KIPO aims at developing and implementing a tool to share cooperation projects among the partner offices. The website will be regularly updated with information focusing on the purpose and function of the TM5. Concurrently, the website will disseminate information online to users and the general public.